Johan Wildhagen

Johan Wildhagen

This ski movie portrays the value and beauty of wild nature and the joy of being in nature. Nature is not only our playground it is the premise for life and our fundament. Often, ski movies portray the human using nature as a playground, in a hectic and action oriented way, where the human ego is in center.

This movie is rather portraying the importance of being present, of enjoying and take in the mighty surroundings the mountains have to offer. The movie is not the standard ski movies, it is eco-philosophical, it shows compositions where man is small in big scenery and it is slow moving as this is how I experience being in nature – not hectic but harmonious and peaceful.

The movie has no dialogue, but a Norwegian poet has developed a narrative to accentuate the essence of the movie in words, to strengthen the images and make the message of the movie even clearer. The poetry is written by Øyvind Egeland and read (in soulful Norwegian-English) by the 81-year-old Norwegian mountain guide, climber and eco-philosopher and the close companion of Arne Næss, Nils Faarlund. The music is made by my daughter and musician Fay Wildhagen.

Magnificent wild nature provides possibilities for reflection. The film is a result of thoughts and reflections that have come out of years spent in the mountains. Feeling insignificant and small in large nature is humbling and this humbleness we need to take with us in our lives.